A Transformational 12-Week Program to Unlock Your Confidence, Pleasure & Ease as the Whole Woman You Are.


Heal Your Own Gaze


the cosmic mother

Call your power back from all the external authorities you gave it away to in search of validation. Activate the cosmic mother to Love Yourself unconditionally. Self-portraiture practice to “Behold & Become” The woman you desire to be.


the magical maiden

free yourself from religious baggage and the shame put on you by others. Activate the magical maiden to reclaim your innocence and enjoy your sensuality for you. Self-portraiture practice to capture your unique feminine essence.


the sacred fool

Bring the fun and joy back to life. Activate the sacred fool to break-free from people-pleasing. Self-portraiture practice to unlock creativity and self-expression.


the queen

Flora unveiled an outpouring of creativity I didn’t know I was capable of — Adelaide S


the soulful seductress

This course elevated my work and refined my artistic vision. Her instruction was innovative and stimulating — Silas N


The priestess 

Each of the watercolor practices presented an opportunity to challenge myself and grow my skillset — Violet P

Do you feel the same way?

You’re capable and confident in so many areas of life. You’ve done the talk-therapy and self-help, yet self-consciousness continues to rob you of the life you really want to live. Your inner world feels stuck, but the face and body you see in the world keeps looking older and older. 


You’re ashamed to admit it, but worrying about your looks (and the male gaze) is keeping you from showing up in the world as powerfully as you want.

It's time to heal your gaze and set your womanhood free.

special offer



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My Story

My first sexy selfie to heal my soul was a portrait I took at 8-months pregnant, dressed up like Marilyn Monroe eating a gallon of ice-cream. Through the lens of the camera and my imagination I went from seeing myself as single mom-to-be unworthy of love, to a radiant woman who was worthy and lovable just as she was.

Take a closer look at the whole woman in the mirror. Shed the unconscious conditioning alienating you from your feminine body and soul. Liberate your feminine energy, confidence and expression.


Healing is possible: Heal Your Own gaze is a proven Self-love system

“I healed more in 3-months than in 14 years of talk therapy and EMDR. I finally, truly, COMPLETELY love myself. It feels like the starting point for all of the deepest, most meaningful, potential-filled experiences of my life.”

Diana E.

I'm having the best sex of my life because I'm no present during sex. No more breaking connection with my husband because I feel awkward. I am more in tune with myself, more present for what feels good for me, I am now loving myself and adoring myself,  letting go of negative self-talk. After years of struggling with how my body looks I can now look in the mirror and can see, “I'm smoking hot!”

—Sarah H.

“The way I feel in my body, my sensuality, my intimacy with my husband has changed. I now have safety in my own skin. It’s safe to express all parts of me— the girl next door, the nerd, the sexy wife, the grieving one, the maiden, and the queen.”

—Alisha N.

“This program impacted EVERY SINGLE AREA OF MY LIFE. Spiritually, emotionally and even physically. The way that I see myself and the way that I move my body in the physical world, all of this has changed through working with Morgan and being a part of her program.” I look in the mirror and can see, I'm smoking hot!

—Amanda R.

Self-Image is Deeply Connected to Your Experience of Wholeness

A Peak inside the 6-Modules


The Power of Permission & Approving of Yourself 


Reclaiming Sensual Innocence / Accessing Pleasure & Joy Daily


Unlocking Portals of Playfulness  / No More People-Pleasing


Activating Your Queen / Becoming a High-Value Woman


Awaken Magnetic Feminine Energy / Secrets of Soulful Seduction


Embodying the Sacred Feminine / Priestess of Presence

Just $197 (Value $1997) — Save $$$$ when you enroll now.

in sum you'll learn how to

  • Push past fears to embrace ALL parts of who you are.
  • Awaken the inner eye, meet the Beloved within.
  • Unlock your feminine power at the intersection of spirituality and sexuality.
  • Transform resentment around the male gaze into the joy of owning ourself as women— our beauty and worth.
  • Address narratives, conditioning, false beliefs and lies creating shame.
  • Activate 6-key archetypes for healing and liberating feminine embodiment.



Get revolutionary self-love & self-acceptance practices and learn “selfies” as Art (therapy) so you can find your best angles, carry yourself with confidence, and let go of any insecurity around wanting to look and feel “hot.” 

(You are hot on so many levels, so why not learn how to own it!)

What's Included:

8+ hours of video instruction

Download & listen anytime and anywhere audio lessons.

Guided meditations and embodiment practices (downloadable to practice anywhere)

Workbooks for every module with key points and aligned journaling prompts to continue going deeper

Lifetime access to the course materials

Bonus materials, including guided embodiment + self-portraiture ritual.

It's time to heal your gaze and set your womanhood free.

The Future

a Foundation for a whole new sex life

You’ll have the insight you need to know every part of your sexuality and femininity belongs. Your clear understanding of the 5-stages of healthy sexual development along with how to activate the feminine archetypes that goes with each stage will heal, transform and empower your sex life.

The beginning of a new kind of womanhood

Unapologetically own your sexiness and depth in service to all, wake from the trances that keep you small, discover the power in your playfulness and pleasure and become the kind of woman whose gaze is healing to self and others.

Finally Belong To yourself & Feel like the sovereign Woman you are.

Reclaim how you see yourself. Become the woman you know, deep down, you’re destined to be: Wild and Free; Successful and Self-Accepting; Peaceful and Confident; Happy and Healthy; Sexy and Whole!


Are you ready to TURN ON your feminine energy to SEE YOURSELF in a whole new light?

Say YES For Your daughters. Say yes for the next generation. Say Yes for your past and future self.

“I am feeling empowered to be sexy out of a place of authenticity— and not performance. This has completely changed my relationship with men.”

Moriah, Student

I never considered myself beautiful—until I took this course.

Ann, Integrity coach

This only course that's actually changed my life. It's priceless.

Amanda, womb healer

I finally, truly, COMPLETELY love myself.“


Laura, Business Owner

“Whether it’s your business you are trying to build, your sexuality your trying to heal, your body image you are trying to heal… The magic of this course is that it addresses and impacts all aspects of your life. By healing your gaze and healing the wounds inside of you that have to do with womanhood and femininity, the practices Morgan has created really and truly impact every aspect of your life."

Shayla, Educator

See Yourself with New Eyes, and Unlock authentic Femininity, Confidence, Pleasure, Freedom & Ease in Your Body